Thursday, July 23, 2009


Ms Teng, if you can post the people that need to see you tomorrow here in the comment sections if you want. I think it'll be easier to notice... I think =_=


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

Episode 2.2 Updates of Dragonica

Sorry, I was going to bullshits on the update like I did before, but... I'm quite tired over the rough weekend, so... please let me go for once XD

Episode 1.2 Update on Left4Dead

Here I am, once again, updating on the blog stuffs. Well, this time we required to add some activity in the website and this had cause some uproar in our gamer's home. The facts is:

Activities?? Err... Games? Quiz?? It just doesn't feels right over here. Programing a mini shotting game will be too time comsuming and I can't take the risk if I screwed it up in last minute... Moreover, who want to answer quiz about a game when they actually looking for a guide... and... who wanna do some puzzling of some ugly zombies; we can ignore the zombie and only do puzzle for the survivor, but doing only for the survivor will be like kinda unbalance though.

So.. erm, i decided to try to make some animations on the site. Here is a screenie for the updates.

Clicking on the zombie on the left will play
the mini animation on the bottom right.

Some other stuffs I'll be add in the website are like:
1. the zombies and the survivor will have a little animations to make it all lifely
2. Every 60seconds, the left4dead logo on the top right will change for 4seconds. linking into a secret page that shows some links to the parody. (I'll try to make some myself also)
3. The green footer, for every random seconds (I'll try to code that out, if can't then will be every 180minutes) there will be a funny little animations coming out. The mini animations will be around 3~5seconds.
Well, I think thats all though. As I'm a gamer myself, when I looking for guides I hope to find it fast and quick. If a quiz pop up and ask me to answer it, I don't think i'll actually do it.
Exceptions will be the advertisments though. Sometimes there are some cool/funny advertisments, I'll click it. Thats why I decided to put a secret parody screens and some cute and shorts animations.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Massive LOL!!!

Hey Guys, I think you all might have seen this already, but I think I still want share it XD

It is some parody of the Left4Dead, LAUGH GUYS! LAUGH!!


A witch parody

Have a nice day
