Thursday, July 23, 2009
Ms Teng, if you can post the people that need to see you tomorrow here in the comment sections if you want. I think it'll be easier to notice... I think =_=
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Episode 2.2 Updates of Dragonica
Episode 1.2 Update on Left4Dead
Here I am, once again, updating on the blog stuffs. Well, this time we required to add some activity in the website and this had cause some uproar in our gamer's home. The facts is:
Activities?? Err... Games? Quiz?? It just doesn't feels right over here. Programing a mini shotting game will be too time comsuming and I can't take the risk if I screwed it up in last minute... Moreover, who want to answer quiz about a game when they actually looking for a guide... and... who wanna do some puzzling of some ugly zombies; we can ignore the zombie and only do puzzle for the survivor, but doing only for the survivor will be like kinda unbalance though.
So.. erm, i decided to try to make some animations on the site. Here is a screenie for the updates.
Activities?? Err... Games? Quiz?? It just doesn't feels right over here. Programing a mini shotting game will be too time comsuming and I can't take the risk if I screwed it up in last minute... Moreover, who want to answer quiz about a game when they actually looking for a guide... and... who wanna do some puzzling of some ugly zombies; we can ignore the zombie and only do puzzle for the survivor, but doing only for the survivor will be like kinda unbalance though.
So.. erm, i decided to try to make some animations on the site. Here is a screenie for the updates.
the mini animation on the bottom right.
Some other stuffs I'll be add in the website are like:
1. the zombies and the survivor will have a little animations to make it all lifely
2. Every 60seconds, the left4dead logo on the top right will change for 4seconds. linking into a secret page that shows some links to the parody. (I'll try to make some myself also)
3. The green footer, for every random seconds (I'll try to code that out, if can't then will be every 180minutes) there will be a funny little animations coming out. The mini animations will be around 3~5seconds.
Well, I think thats all though. As I'm a gamer myself, when I looking for guides I hope to find it fast and quick. If a quiz pop up and ask me to answer it, I don't think i'll actually do it.
Exceptions will be the advertisments though. Sometimes there are some cool/funny advertisments, I'll click it. Thats why I decided to put a secret parody screens and some cute and shorts animations.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Massive LOL!!!
Hey Guys, I think you all might have seen this already, but I think I still want share it XD
It is some parody of the Left4Dead, LAUGH GUYS! LAUGH!!
A witch parody
Have a nice day
It is some parody of the Left4Dead, LAUGH GUYS! LAUGH!!
A witch parody
Have a nice day
Monday, June 29, 2009
Episode 1.1 Preview of Left4Dead
Wo... I get my file now, here is a bit bit update for the horrifying Left4Dead. Err, nope no more horrying cause players will learn to survive now!!! So will be... Err... Perhaps... TRIGGER HAPPY!!!
Here is the main page!
The 4 head on the bottom somehow looks funny...
Here is one of the page preview showing
A huuunteer!!!
So errm... I don't know how it will looks in the end, but... haha... maybe I'll add this:
"All the preview is not a done and will subject to change when... I feel like changing it"
I wonder what happen to my pc/blogger, the format of this post might seems off today... and all the ctrl+c,v,x,z all not functioning. Crappy tank rampanging in my pc?? or blogger is attacked by hunters!!!!
Pending Notice
Monday, 29th June 2009
time: 0134
My files is on my laptop which currently left on my grandma house, I've send a message asking my uncle to send me the files tomorrow morning. Sorry for the inconveniences. I'm very sorry.
PSP Games:
Judy Still haven send me the file, and I'm already dead now. If i recieve the files tomorrow morning, I'll post it.
Lastly, I'm sorry for the trouble I causes. Very very Sorry. I'll try to post the stuff ASAP
time: 0134
My files is on my laptop which currently left on my grandma house, I've send a message asking my uncle to send me the files tomorrow morning. Sorry for the inconveniences. I'm very sorry.
PSP Games:
Judy Still haven send me the file, and I'm already dead now. If i recieve the files tomorrow morning, I'll post it.
Lastly, I'm sorry for the trouble I causes. Very very Sorry. I'll try to post the stuff ASAP
Monday, 29th June 2009
time: 0850
To blogger: WTH is happening to you today??? The formating become a pain in my ass!!!
Left4Dead, file recieved and posted.
Episode 3.1 preview Monster Hunter
Juicy fruits?? Who want a fruits and vegetables when we can slices dragons and king kongs into pieces and BBQ them into a well-done-steak??
Bloody! Big dragons is on their way into the website, here is a small preview of the website to statisfy your lusts!!(or perhaps not)

Here is the main menu of the web~
say... Tigrex is kinda scary though...
This is one of the page, who shows the weakness of the bosses!!
Bloody! Big dragons is on their way into the website, here is a small preview of the website to statisfy your lusts!!

Here is the main menu of the web~
say... Tigrex is kinda scary though...

Small parody Interview:
Xion -> Tigrex
Xion: "what makes you review your weakness to the hunter?"
Tigrex: "..."
Xion: "Is it because the hunter is tooooo cute?"
Tigrex: "..."
Xion: "Tell us!!!"
Tigrex: "RAOR!!!!"
-Tigrex has drew the 1st blood!!
-Tigrex has pawned Xion's head for 250 gold.
-Our hero has been killed...
Xion -> Tigrex
Xion: "what makes you review your weakness to the hunter?"
Tigrex: "..."
Xion: "Is it because the hunter is tooooo cute?"
Tigrex: "..."
Xion: "Tell us!!!"
Tigrex: "RAOR!!!!"
-Tigrex has drew the 1st blood!!
-Tigrex has pawned Xion's head for 250 gold.
-Our hero has been killed...
Episode 2.1 preview of Dragonica
Sup~ After the long long wait, and the struggles between the student and assignments, Here is the update of the Dragonica web~
Here is the update for the website. After the update, student will be in another show down with the assignments, so good luck everyone.
Here is the update for the website. After the update, student will be in another show down with the assignments, so good luck everyone.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Episode 4 PSP's
AHAA 5604
Name: Ong Seok Li
ID: 08WHA13492
Group: AML2 (U2)
Lecturer: Ms. Teng Sook Hooi
AHAA 5604
Name: Ong Seok Li
ID: 08WHA13492
Group: AML2 (U2)
Lecturer: Ms. Teng Sook Hooi
PSP Games is under Sony Company. PSP games can be downloaded in the website or buy from outside store. PSP games can be get easily but sometimes in the website when u wanted to download the games they need us to pay for the game we download.
Games sometimes are hard to play and sometimes we play half and won’t continue the game because we got lost easily in the game especially for children or adults who do not know how to play the games.
The purpose of this project is to let the people know how we win the games and step by step teaching /walkthrough of the games or cheat for the games so that the people can easily go through all the level and know the cheats and hints for hiding stuff.
All that confuse of the games can end the games easily and some who play games like role‐playing they like to see the ending. Player need to have hints and information about a lot stuff like maps and also information on how to win the games.
In this project, it will provide the information and walkthrough and let the players and teach the players the way and how they can win the games by teaching them step by steps how they can go through all different levels and also cheats that hiding in the games.Normally player not satisfy because a lot of stuff that been hiding they cannot find and sometimes player will got lost when they play games and got fed up with the games so this is this project purpose is to guide the player to go through all the games and so that they won’t get lost and go through or win the games easily.
Screenshot also will be put so that the player know the info the place or can be say as guidance to them on how to play the games and win the games. Updates games and new games also will be put on so that they know what the latest games for PSP.
*~Actual situation~*
1. Player enables to win and know all the details they need.2. Player who eager to get all the stuff and hiding mission or item.
3. Player who wanted to know the latest update games
*~Optional situation~*
4. Player no need to stress and pressure about how to win the games.5. Players can able to win the games easily for following the walkthrough.
6. Players learn how to go through and master the games by following the information that they need to know.
*~The Gap~*
7. no challenging by not exploring itself8. Lack of patience
9. Too depend on the information
10. Neglect of each games stories and special of the games.
11. Weakness of profession
12. Lack of information about code breaking
13. Games too hard to play
14. Learning material
- No print out walkthrough games sell
- No reference book need to explore itself
- Neglect the importance of the games creator
- need to pay for some website to know the walkthrough or cheats
- some games information cannot be find in the website
- lack of guidance and motivation
- Lack of patience
- Lazy to explore
- No challenging just wanted to know how to win and play easy games
This is design for the all the players around the world. It is guidance to the players that can’t solve the games and also wanted to solve the games easily.*~KEY LEARNER CHARACTERISTIC~*
17. General- All who lost in the games
- Provided to all International
- People who got lost in the game
- Creative thinking
- Player need information and guidance
- Player expected full information and hints
- Player expected to know the latest stuff
- video tutorials to increase the understanding and more clearly by live
- provide some screenshot
- available download games information
- available of new games updates
1. Technology- Hardware
- Personal computer with medium speed connection.
- Internet access.
- Software
- premier for video editing
- flash for interactive
- Photoshop for the interface design
1. Reading Material
This is design to help the gamers about the information on how they can win and also to help the gamer to master all the things they need to know on how to play the games in a correct way. This they can develop the games secret and special about the games.*~MODULE GOAL~*
- knowing how to win the games
- understand on how to go through the games in a correct way
- to have a perfect game
- introduction of the latest games
- walkthrough and how to win the game
- provide downloadable games, screenshot wallpaper and others.
- tutorial and video and wallpapers
Episode 3 Monster Hunter
AHAA 5604
How to Become a Professional Hunter!
Name : Chay Tzong Syh @Chua Wei Syh
Contact : 016-3545844
Lecturer : Miss Teng Sook Hui
Due date : Week 4
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2NDYEARS SEMESTER 1
AHAA 5604
How to Become a Professional Hunter!
Name : Chay Tzong Syh @Chua Wei Syh
Contact : 016-3545844
Lecturer : Miss Teng Sook Hui
Due date : Week 4
The very first idea of conducting this manual is to promote this game and let the players of Monster Hunter 2 Freedom know more about the game and learn how to fight those monster efficient ways in harder difficulties.*~ACTUAL SITUATION~*
1. Less popularity compare to other games like FIFA, Final Fantasy Dissidia and Wu Shuang Orochi..2. Some people fear of playing bloody hunting monster game.
3. Most players tend to playing on lower difficulties because they can’t survive in higher hunter
rank monster.
1. Players learn about the gathering hall mode, where player can hunting monster together.2. Players can enjoy hunting monster with their friend with different kind of weapon and skill. 2
1. Lessons and practical
- Lack of promotion
- Lack of players
- High cost
- Gamers are not an acceptable profession in society.
- Society/parents not recommend children to play games.
- Lack of guidance
- Afraid of losing confidence
- Afraid of losing gold when killed by monster.
- Limited guidance and information from the internet.
- High cost to get a PSP(play station portable)
The courseware is designed those who are new to play monster hunter and who are wish to explore more about it. The primary target audience or users are gamers above the age of 15.*~KEY LEARNER CHARACTERISTIC~*
1. General- Fans of monster hunting game or gamers
- Chinese 65% Malay 30% and Indian 5%
- Female students is just around 3%
- They like to hunting monster together.
- Patience to read, experience, and learn.
- Passion for this game.
- Learners are expected to learn some basic game play on how the game works.
- Learners are expected to be able to avoid from monster attacking you.
- Learners are expected to learn how to hitting on monster efficiently.
- Read the guidance which contains most of the tips you need to know.
- Experience it by playing through the game, sharing it with others.
- Some tips and tricks video tutorial.
1. Technology- PSP with Monster Hunter 2 Freedom original game CD.
- PSP with enough memory space for game save.
- PSP.
- Monster Hunter 2 Freedom original game DC.
- Memory sticks PRO Duo.
Besides learning some basic control about this game, the courseware also promotes the best design weapon and armor. The tips and tricks, or secret map of the game. Digging deep down into the multiplayer gathering hall mode will definitely bring you a whole new experience of Monster Hunter 2 Freedom.*~MODULE GOAL~*
Know basic skill- Movements
- Weapons
- Armor
- Health point recovery Tools
- Trap tools
- The Multiplayer
- The monster
- The Hunter rank
Episode 2 Dragonica
AHAA 5604
Be Concerned With Dragonica
Name: Chin Wei Ken
Contact: 012-3462536
Lecturer: Ms. Teng Sook Hooi
Due date: Week 4
AHAA 5604
Be Concerned With Dragonica
Name: Chin Wei Ken
Contact: 012-3462536
Lecturer: Ms. Teng Sook Hooi
Due date: Week 4
The courseware is designed for teenagers and adults to know about Dragonica. This is a new game that produced by Barusoninter. It will introduce the basic knowledge and information in the game.*~ACTUAL SITUATION~*
1. This game is new and less information for it.2. Less popularity compare to other games.
3. People interested to get the guide for certain job in the game.
4. People interested to look at the guide to make them easier while playing the game.
1. People are getting to know about the game, and learn how to play it well.2. People can teach their friends if they have enough information and knowledge about the game.
*~The Gap~*
1. Lessons and practical- Lack of promotion
- Lack of players
- Gamers are not an acceptable profession in society
- Society/parents not recommend children to play games.
- Limited resources and information in the internet.
- Lack of guide books
- Lack of guidance and motivation
- Lack of passion to play
- Lack of patience to learn
The courseware is designed for those who are interested to play the Dragonica. It is just a method or knowledge for people who want to play it. The primary target audience or users are gamers above the age of 12.*~KEY LEARNER CHARACTERISTIC~*
1. General- Teenagers and adults who are interested to know and willing to play the game.
- 70% of people are male and 30% female
- People who always play games
- No age limitation
- Patience and passion to play
- Good interested on the game.
- Learners are expected to learn some basic information of the game.
- Learners are expected to learn some basic game play on how the game works.
- Visual stimulation
- Some video tutorial.
- Experience it by playing through the game, sharing it with others.
- Images will attract learner to learn and play the game
1. Technology
- Personal computer with medium speed connection and high speed broadband for viewing the video.
- Personal computer with optimum performance to support the game.
- Computer and internet.
Besides learning the basics information and knowledge of the game, the courseware is designed to develop the guidance on certain job in the game and promotes the game. In addition, the courseware also advice people play game for relaxing the mind but do not too over and addicted in the game.*~MODULE GOAL~*
Know basic skill- Weapons
- Armors
- Potions
- Skills
- PvP mode
Episode 1 Left4Dead
AHAA 5604
Left4Dead Survival Manual
Name : Lee Zheng Xun
Contact : 016-8396369
Lecturer : Miss Teng Sook Hooi
Due date : Week 4
AHAA 5604
Left4Dead Survival Manual
Name : Lee Zheng Xun
Contact : 016-8396369
Lecturer : Miss Teng Sook Hooi
Due date : Week 4
The very first idea of conducting this manual is to promote this game and let the players of Left4dead (a first person shooter horror co-op surviving game) know more about the game and learn how to survive in a more efficient ways in harder difficulties.*~ABSTRACT~*
1.Less popularity compare to other games like WarCraft3 – DoTA or Monster Hunter.2.Some people fear of playing horror surviving games.
3.Most players tend to playing on lower difficulties because they can’t survive in higher
1.Players learn about the pvp mode, where player can take part of the zombies and hunt thesurvivors!
2.Players can survive on higher difficulties, making the game more enjoyable and exciting.
1. Lessons and practical- Lack of promotion
- Lack of players
- Gamers are not an acceptable profession in society.
- Society/parents not recommend children to play games.
- Lack of guidance
- Afraid of losing
- People fear of horror stuff
- Limited guidance and information from the internet.
- High cost to play if don’t have pc and/or internet at home
The courseware is designed those who are new to the Left4Dead and who are wish to explore more about it. The primary target audience or users are gamers above the age of 12.*~KEY LEARNER CHARACTERISTIC~*
1. General- Fans of horror surviving game or gamers
- Chinese 60% Malay 20% and Indian 20%
- Female students is just around 10%
- They love the combinations of zombies and guns
2. Pre-requisite skill
- Patience to read, experience, and learn.
- Passion for this game.
3. User need & expectation
- Learners are expected to learn some basic game play on how the game works.
- Learners are expected to be able to survive on the hardest difficulties.
- Learners are expected to learn how to stalks survivors efficiently.
4. Learning Styles
- Read the guidance which contains most of the tips you need to know.
- Experience it by playing through the game, sharing it with others.
- Some tips and tricks video tutorial.
- Personal computer with medium speed connection and high speed broadband for viewing the video.
- Personal computer with optimum performance to support the game.
- Nearby cyber cafĂ©…
2. Equipment
- Formal wear, just kidding. We don’t need any specific kind of clothing. You can play the game naked also no people care, but please just do that when you’re playing home alone…
Besides learning some basic skills about the game, the courseware also promotes the love for zombies! I mean tips and tricks, or secret of the game. Digging deep down into the multiplayer pvp mode will definitely bring you a whole new experience of Left4dead!!!*~MODULE GOAL~*
1. Know basic skill- Movements
- Weapons
- Healing Tools
- Support items
- The Multiplayer
- The Zombie~
- The events

Due to the assignment stuff~ This blog Has BORN!!! What the hell am I saying..? Never mind... Ok, all of the thing u all type, I'll place here. Since I dun have everyone's e-mail, so those who read this please help me tell other.
1. Xion
2. Judy
3. Ah Chay
4. Ken
I'll be the moderator of the blog, but I kinda lazy one. If I did something wrong please do tell me. Thank you.
1. Xion
2. Judy
3. Ah Chay
4. Ken
I'll be the moderator of the blog, but I kinda lazy one. If I did something wrong please do tell me. Thank you.
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